Brachial Plexus Injuries and Medical Malpractice
A brachial plexus injury during the birthing process involves…

Jurors Find Hospital Liable for Birth Injuries
Jurors in a birth injury medical malpractice trial in Kentucky…

Erb’s Palsy Birth Injury Lawsuit Filed as a Result of Brachial Plexus Injuries
A South Carolina couple has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit…

University of Miami to Face Brain Damage Birth Injury Trial-15 Years Later
The Third District Court of Appeal has ruled in favor of the…

Scoliosis, Cerebral Palsy, and Birth Injuries
Injuries to a newborn are perhaps the most tragic of all. Parents…

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Filed in Birth Injury Case
The parents of a 3-year-old boy born with cerebral palsy are…

Birth Injury Malpractice Trial Begins in Oregon
Derrick and Elizabeth Ramseyer brought a birth injury medical…

Medical Malpractice Trial Underway in Premature Birth Case
A medical malpractice trial that may extend into mid-January…

How Some Tragic Birth Injuries Occur
There is nothing sadder for new parents than their child's birth…

GlaxoSmithKline To Pay $105 Million for Promoting Off-Label Drug Use
In 2012, the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline was forced…