The Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Blog

Connecticut Ponders Change In Medical Malpractice Procedure

Since 2005, those who seek to bring a medical malpractice claim…

Re-Victimizing the Victims – Medical Malpractice and Higher Standards of Proof

As some states such as Missouri are considering whether to raise…

Restrictions on Hours for Doctors In Training Hasn’t Reduced Medical Errors

When restrictions on the number of hours worked by interns was…

Iowa Doctor Fined for Removing Healthy Ovaries

The Iowa Board of Medicine has fined a Sioux City gynecologist…

Medical Malpractice Case May Lead Legislators to Re-Consider Filing Restrictions

A cancer misdiagnosis has led New York state legislators to re-think…

Wrong Eye Surgery Leads to Medical Malpractice Case

A four-year-old boy went to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center to…

Medical Malpractice Damage Caps and the Consitution

All to often, discussion concerning caps or limits on medical…

PA Jury Awards $250,000 Medical Malpractice Verdict

A Pennsylvania jury has returned a $250,000 verdict in a medical…

Diagnostic Errors in Primary Care Settings

A recent study of the types and origins of diagnostic errors…