The Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Blog

Hospital Patient Safety: Measuring Clinical Quality v. Experiential Quality, It Matters

Recently, I read a provocative article on the issue of improving…

Screening Panels in Med Mal Cases Before NH Supreme Court

Once again the issue of screening panels in medical malpractice…

How Medication Errors Happen in a Hospital Setting

Important new research has been recently published in the American…

$22 Million Medical Malpractice Verdict

A Menlo park woman who was left a quadriplegic as a result of…

Consumer Advocacy Group Advises Against Federal Medical Malpractice Legislation

The national consumer advocacy group Public Citizen has weighed…

“Early Offer” Legislation Isn’t Early, It’s Just Bad

The New Hampshire Legislature is considering a so-called "early…

New Pap Smear Guidelines

Healthcare professionals have been advising female patients for…

Dr. Sanjay Gupta Discusses Reality of Medical Errors

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a practicing neurosurgeon and regular CNN contributor,…

Wrongful Birth Lawsuit Yields $2.9 Million Jury Verdict

A Portland Oregon coupled sued their doctors who failed to diagnose…