The Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Blog

No Clear Guidelines for Breast Cancer Surgery

The NY Times published an article today that is quite disturbing.…

NPR Takes a Look at Prescription Errors

In their health blog today, National Public Radio examines data…

Medical Errors on the Rise in Connecticut Hospitals

In spite of efforts to curb medical errors in Connecticut hospitals,…

Failure to Diagnose Leads to Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

A surgeon's failure to recognize a surgical patient's dangerously…

Would a Unique Patient Identification Number Prevent Medical Errors?

As the US healthcare system moves toward a paperless, electronic…

Surgical Malpractice Case Yields $1.5 Million Jury Verdict

An Indiana jury awarded $1.5 million to an Indiana woman who…

Electronic Health Records Won’t Erase All Medical Errors

While the industry's steady progression toward electronic health…

Mobile Technologies and Medical Errors

Recently, the NY Times published a story about the dangers of…

Vaccination Error Leads to $12.6 Million Jury Verdict

A South Florida teen has been awarded $12.6 million in a jury…