The Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury Blog

US Newborn Mortality Rate is Higher than 40 Other Countries

A new study shows that the United States' newborn mortality rate…

NH Birth Injury Malpractice Suit Settled for $730,000

A Concord NH midwife who had surrendered her license last year…

Now is the Time to Prepare for Hurricane Irene

The hurricane forecast models point to a rough weekend for the…

Rick Perry Claims Tort Reform the Reason for More Doctors in Texas

When Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry visited the…

Appeals Court Upholds $1 Million Stillbirth Malpractice Case

In 2004, NY Court of Appeals changed state law when its ruling…

Failure to Diagnose Malpractice Lawsuit Yields $2.5 Million Jury Verdict

Failure to diagnose hemorrhagic shock in a man who later died…

Healthcare Costs and Quality Care

The latest edition of the Harvard Business Review offers an interesting…

Pitocin and Birth Injuries

Pitocin, a synthetic form of oxytocin, is administered in some…

Medical Malpractice Study Published in New England Journal of Medicine

The Associated Press calls it the most comprehensive study in…