Medical Malpractice Editorial Right on the Mark

Yesterday's NY Times editorial succinctly and correctly summarized…

Survey Shows Not All Doctors Believe Honesty with Patients is the Best Policy

According to a new survey published in Health Affairs, not all…

Early Offer Legislation Proponents Offer Only Part of the Story

Dr. Kevin Pho is a primary care physician practicing in Nashua…

Doctors Call for Fewer Tests for Patients

Nine separate physicians' groups are calling for medical practitioners…

Bow Doctor Accused of Sexually Assaulting Two Patients, Found Dead

Dr. Steven Chern, accused of raping two female patients, was…

Botched Surgery Lawsuit May Challenge Feres Doctrine

A 23-year-old retired Airman's medical malpractice lawsuit may…

Birth Injury Death Rate in US Troubling

The Central Intelligence Agency is estimating birth injury death…

“Early Offer” Bill Passes NH Senate

In an 18-5 vote, the New Hampshire Senate has passed SB 406,…

Hospital Patient Safety: Measuring Clinical Quality v. Experiential Quality, It Matters

Recently, I read a provocative article on the issue of improving…

Screening Panels in Med Mal Cases Before NH Supreme Court

Once again the issue of screening panels in medical malpractice…