Reducing Hospital Medical Errors Part of Federal Plan

It's an often overlooked aspect of the Affordable Care Act but…

Patient Safety Week March 4-10

In connection with Patient Safety Week, the Joint Commission…

Medication Reconciliation Errors

Most of us are aware of the situation. A person with a history…

Surgeons and Alcohol Dependency

A new survey published in the February 2012 issues of Archives…

Dirty Surgical Instruments in the Operating Room

A TODAY investigation of unsterile surgical instruments causing…

A Holistic Approach to Patient Safety

When the Institute of Medicine's 1999 "To Err is Human" report…

The Problem of Overstenting

In the last few months, the media reported about a medical malpractice…

Medical Errors Not Reported Even When Required by Law

A new study reveals a disturbing trend in healthcare. Some medical…

Cerebral Palsy Can Be Caused by Medical Malpractice

Cerebral palsy is one of the most serious and life-altering birth…

Survey Says Some Doctors Lie To Patients To Cover Medical Errors

The headline in the Boston Globe read, "Doctors Admit They Lie…