Medical Errors and Physician Hours-No Easy Correlation

In this Sunday's NY Times Magazine, Darshak Sanghavi, chief of…

Military Medical Malpractice Case Resolved for $7.5 Million

Five months after a federal appeals court upheld the award, the…

Doctor Training To Include Soft Skills

For years, a doctor's people skills were overlooked if the doctor…

Medical Malpractice Trial to Begin in Minnesota

A medical malpractice trial involving a 79 year old Duluth dairy…

Doc Who Lost Medical Malpractice Trial Now Faces Criminal Trial

An Indiana doctor will now face a criminal trial after he lost…

Brain Injury Malpractice Lawsuit Settled

A medical malpractice trial ended abruptly after three days of…

Surgical Sponge Medical Malpractice

A Pennsylvania jury has awarded a woman $525,000 for negligently…

Majority of Doctors Ignore Cancer Genetic Testing Guidelines

According to an article published in Health Day, 59% of doctors…

West Virginia Justice Blasts Court Decision to Uphold Caps on Damages

A substitute justice filling in on the West Virginia Supreme…

Anesthesia Errors and Medical Malpractice

While anesthesia errors aren't a frequent occurrence, when they…