Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Filed After Syringe Swap

A female patient has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against…

Tygacil Gets Updated Warning Label from FDA

Tigecycline (Tygacil) has received an updated warning label from…

$56 Million Birth Injury Verdict Will Be Appealed

Officials at Northern Westchester Hospital in New York have decided…

Brain Catheters Recalled

Integra LifeSciences Corporation has issued an urgent, worldwide…

New Gardasil Report Spurs Controversy and Call for Federal Investigation

The National Vaccine Information Center is calling upon President…

Gardasil Lawsuit: Vaccine Linked to Neurological Disorders

A Louisiana mother has sued the manufacturers of the vaccine…

Teen Asthma Linked to Acetaminophen?

For the first time, a new study has linked even infrequent acetaminophen…

Medical Errors and Their Societal Cost

It's been widely reported that in 2008 the United States spent…

Medical Errors Cost $19.5 Billion

According to the Society of Actuaries, medical errors cost the…

Congress Probes For Profit Colleges

The so-called for profit colleges are spending thousands of marketing…