Largest Health Insurer Has a Strategy to Cancel Policies

The largest health insurance provider in the country, WellPoint,…

Yaz, Yasmin Continue to Spur Controversy and Lawsuits

When Yasmin entered the market in 2001 and Yaz in 2006, it was…

Medical Error-Surgeon Cuts Off Testicle

Dr Sulieman Al Hourani, a locum surgeon at Fairfield General…

Hospital Related Infections Aren’t Declining

According to the 2009 Health and Human Service Department's quality…

Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Linked to Hospital Safety

It seems like this should be common sense. There is a direct…

FDA Will Take Steps to Reduce Radiation Errors

Prompted by recent articles concerning radiation errors by the…

Toyota Knew about Vehicle Defects in 2006

Documents submitted to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration…

Prescription Drug Errors

When we've blogged previously about prescription drug errors…

Prescription Drug Poisoning a Mounting Problem

The second leading cause of accidental death in the US is prescription…

Vaginal Sling Lawsuits Will Proceed

Mentor ObTape vaginal sling lawsuits will proceed in California…