Yaz Lawsuits Could Top 20,000

The Yaz birth control lawsuits may exceed 20,000 as they head…

NH Medical Malpractice Cases

As a New Hampshire medical malpractice lawyer, I've been helping…

US Senate Supports Consumers by Voting No on Contingency Fee Caps

It didn't receive much notice in the press but the US Senate…

Two States Make Significant Progress in Medical Safety Accountability

As a new year dawns, there is hopeful news regarding patient…

Mammograms Should Begin At Age 40

According to the American College of Radiology and the Society…

FDA Warns of Lead in Morning Sickness Remedy

The FDA has issued a warning to consumers that a popular Morning…

Radiation Error Death Not in Vain

Last Sunday, the NY Times ran a front page story about the dangers…

FDA Will Study Effect of Prescription Drugs on Pregnant Women

The Food and Drug Administration has announced that it will begin…

Should We Record Operating Room Procedures?

It's a debate that's intensifying as victims of medical malpractice…

Yaz Birth Control Lawsuits

Lawsuits concerning Bayer's Yaz and Yasmin birth control products…