Medication Errors in U.S. Children Occur Every 8 Minutes, Study Says
Health care professionals who prescribe, dispense,…

New Hampshire’s Boards of Medicine and Nursing Adopt Emergency Rules for Prescribing Opioids
Last November, the New Hampshire Board of Medicine adopted emergency…

Cheshire Medical Center Gives Out Free Narcan to Combat Drug Overdoses
Drug overdoses are killing Granite Staters in record numbers.…

Erb’s Palsy Birth Injury Lawsuit Filed as a Result of Brachial Plexus Injuries
A South Carolina couple has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit…

Keene Sentinel’s Investigative Series on Local Methadone Clinic
Recently, the Keene Sentinel published a four-part investigative…

The Myth of Defensive Medicine
Some have argued that doctors practice so-called defensive medicine…

Case of Doctor Stripped of License to Prescribe Controlled Substances Raises Interesting Issues
The Utah doctor whose license to prescribe controlled substances…

GlaxoSmithKline To Pay $105 Million for Promoting Off-Label Drug Use
In 2012, the pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline was forced…

1 in 5 Elderly Patients Injured in Medical Care Unrelated to Their Condition, Report Says
A new study finds that 1 in 5 elderly Medicare patients are injured…

Back Injections Lead to Complication and More Pain
When a husband and wife decided to take their physcian's advice…