Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Confirmed in Catholic Medical Center Case
New Hampshire health officials have confirmed that the patient…
As Veterans Seek Medical Attention at VA Hospitals, Malpractice Cases Demonstrate Cracks in System
As a result of two wars in the last decade in Iraq and Afghanistan…
CMC Patients Monitored for Deadly Brain Disease as Autopsy Performed to Confirm Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
State health officials will monitor eight patients who may have…
NH Patients Contacted About Possible Exposure to Deadly Brain Disease After Surgery at Catholic Medical Center
Health officials at Catholic Medical Center in Manchester New…
Catholic Medical Center’s Surgical Equipment in Brain Death Case Quarantined
As public health officials investigate the death of a surgical…
Massachusetts Health Officials Announce Five Additional People May Have Been Exposed to Brain Disease
The deadly, degenerative brain disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob…
Catholic Medical Center May Have Exposed Patients to a Deadly Brain Disease
According to a statement released today by the New Hampshire…
Public Citizen’s Research Shows Medical Malpractice Litigation Not the Reason for Soaring Healthcare
While some in Congress point to medical malpractice lawsuits…
Information Regarding Medical Malpractice Lawsuits According to Specialty
Medscape recently interviewed nearly 1,400 physicians who have…
Why is There Opposition to the Public Reporting of Medical Errors?
It seems to me that the documentation and reporting of medical…