Northwestern Study Finds Restricting Surgical Residents’ Hours Doesn’t Improve Quality of Care
When restrictions were imposed upon the number of hours surgical…

Surgeon Disciplined for Wrong Site Surgery Error
When a federal inmate underwent surgery two years ago to remove…

UK Hospital Accused of Covering Up Surgeon’s Mistakes
Officials at Frimley Park Hospital in the United Kingdom are…

Joint Commission Release Top Causes for Four Common Surgical Errors
Recently, the Joint Commission released data that covers a ten…

Failure to Treat Surgical Infection Leads to $2.3 Million Verdict
We all know infection is a possible consequence of any surgical…

Surgical Error at Tufts Medical Center Results in Death and Change
When 74-year-old Carolyn Carcerano entered Tufts Medical Center…

Botched Hip Replacement Surgery Yields $425,000 Settlement
Any surgical procedure carries a certain risk of infection. This…

Patient Sues Hospital For Leaving Sponge Behind After Surgery and Failing to Remove it for Four Year
Unfortunately, leaving a surgical sponge in the body cavity after…

Jury Returns $534,000 Verdict After a Patient Has Surgery with Unsterile Surgical Tools
This is the "never" of all "never" events. Never events are classified…

Botched Hernia Operation Yields $12 Million Malpractice Jury Verdict
A Connecticut woman who had undergone a routine hernia operation…