Increase in Robotic Surgeries Isn’t Without Safety Concerns
The advent of robot assisted surgery has been hailed by many…

Penile Implant Malfunction Leads to Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
A 44-year-old truck driver who sought treatment for erectile…

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Filed After Routine Procedure Goes Awry
19-year old Raina Ferraro is in a vegetative state after a routine…

$24 Million Hepatitis C Verdict Includes Insurance Company
A $24,000,000 jury verdict in a Nevada Hepatitis C case may have…

Robotic Surgery Concerns Draws Attention of NH Board of Medicine
The rise of complications from robotic-assisted surgery has led…

Iowa Doctor Fined for Removing Healthy Ovaries
The Iowa Board of Medicine has fined a Sioux City gynecologist…

Wrong Eye Surgery Leads to Medical Malpractice Case
A four-year-old boy went to Legacy Emanuel Medical Center to…

Medical Errors and Their Tragic Consequences
As a Keene, NH medical malpractice lawyer, I read the NY Times…

Surgical “Never” Events Occurring 80 Times a Week
According to a detailed review of data from 1990-2010 located…